Archive News
Updated 23rd- June- 2024
Well... it looks like finally we are having some summer at least!!
On the 2nd of May we welcome our first litter this year, our Eurovision lot, 7 kittens in all the shades of blue silver. Proud parents are Forestshadow Hamlet and Nandinakatts Lady Liberty (Freefree).They are growing magnificent and no, they can't sing yet but my God they can purr.
Following the introdution of new titles for kittens in Fife since the first of Januray 2024 we proudly anounce that Nandinakatts Amelia Eathart gained the title of Junior Champion, Nandinakatts Whopper can add to his name Kitten Champion and Junior Champion and Nandinakatts Teller can add Kitten Champion, we are extremely happy. Also Mr Whitmore (GB*Nandinakatts Marcus Whitmore) achieved the tittle of Grand International Champion just before of his 3rd birthday!!
Happy Halloween everyone!!

Cout Whopper from our Drive Thru Litter

Pumpkin Love with Whopper and one Pumpkin to another

Shambhala and Hamlet in "A kiss for Halloween"
coming soon to our plans :)
On September the 9th we went to the birthday of our club, The Viking Cat Club, and to celebrate this they organized a Norwegian Forest Cat Special, it was very special as we didn't have one of these in the UK for a very long time. Although we entered both days we only attemp on the day of the special for several reasons, one of them was the unseasonal weather as it was over 30C that weekend and it was roasting for the cats.
So we took Shambhala in her first outing since having her first litter and Marcus who after being very busy in his dutties as a father has gained some weight and it was looking fab.
Well proud breeders is an understatement as both were EX1 gaining their certificates in a very strong competition and BIVs, Shambhala of the adults group 6 and Marcus was BIV-Total of group 4. Shambhala became Champion on the day and Marcus got his 4 certificate towards his next tittle.
Then if that was not enough they both got the nomination for the Special and for the main show in a very tough competition.
Shambhala went into win Best Female Norwegian 2023 in the Special.
If that was not enough a daughter of Tommen and grandaughter of Charming Casmexkatts Mince Pie became Best Junior 2023, that makes 2 daughters of Tommen (as Shambhala is also his daughter) gained this titles in the show. We are so happy :)
Also on the 21 of October our new boy Hwllakun Mr Blue Sky aka Calcifer achieved the massive achievement of EX1 (6), Best of Breed over the girls and became BOV in the Supreme Cat Show 2023 and he was 4th overall. That means that he was the best kitten of the semilong hair section.

Calcifer is co-owned by our very good friends Kiri Brown and Denise Nancarrow (his breeder) and he comes for a very special mating (and collaboration) between Walkiria Ewadar's and Champion Old Possums Tummel, JW our Amadeus. He has a very special pedigree with a personality that matched it.
To make it even more special he is a copy of his old daddy and we cannot be more proud of this adorable and very impressive young cat.
He lives with mum Kiri in cattery Myschyfkitz with GB*Nandinakatts Valentina who also did us very proud achieving at the Supreme EX1 and Best of Breed, losing the BOV against Calcifer.
We cannot wait to see what the future brings with him.

Champion Old Possum's Tummel,JW in his 14th birthday (26-10-23), as you can all see the old man still got it!!!
29th October 2023
Uploading Halloween 2023___________________
27th October 2023
As last year we got the purpose of give the page a good update so please stay tuned as in the few next weeks we should slowly catch up. It is a lot of wonderful show news a a couple of additions to the cattery.
In the mean time we have some kittens avaliable born in September, if you are interested please contact us preferible via email and we can give you all the details and loads of pictures of these little beauties.